Friday, July 17, 2009

Politictions, Patisans, and Convicts! What makes them Different?

Everyone makes a mistake in their life. it depends on the intentions, and the maliciousness of the act by the character. now if the person or persons
continue to commit the same criminal activity or create a pattern then the intentions shall be weighed in it's accordance. now, if that person is and are willing to change and are seeking help from other's whether it's from family or government programs threw Aid or counseling. it shall be provided as such to rehabilitate that person rather it's mental, physical, emotional.

To turn your back on the need or lack will bring only discomfort not for that person(s) but for someone(s).

Now, if your Company Policies are not to Employ Convicted Felons this is what you must Accept as Follows:
your home being broken in to, you walking outside of your door or coming home from work and are subjected to being Rob or Mug, your car being stolen,your office being broken into your going to or coming home from a Romantic dinner or Movies and your approach by a Mugger bullets are flying past your head, your hearing Gun Shots everynight so you can't sleep.

You are the real Criminals that's Conspiracy, Entrapment, and loak Baiting, knowing and willfully and intentionally with helping to create and continue Criminal activity.if that Convicted felon Can't find Employment because of the nature of the Offence like drugs, robbery,assault, and involuntary manslaughter, and any other non-violent Offence. that person will only go back to what he knows best to life of crime and give up not only on him/or herself but their family as well. but who cares they shouldn't have done the crime right.! Wrong!

now, the politicians are committing the same criminal activities, but what they receive, a slap on the risk or you don't even hear about it, but the people who are struggling to live and provide for their families by any means possible are being judged unfairly to the instinct which are far behind the scope due diligence, equal rights, separation. if you do not what convicted felons or ex-convicts to work or be apart of the workforce please accept the above following and live a happy life.

You Can Join the armed forces if you are convicted of Murder, Rape, and Assault. but can not join
if your convicted of a drug felony. where is the logic in that?

here are the reason: because you travel to country's that Harvest and make the drugs.

well since murder and assault is apart of war it's ok! but what about the rape? oh! it's routine cause thats whats happennig to all the female combatants over there.

Like they say: birds of the feather flock together.

Thank You!

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